Friday Coffee on Thursday...

Tomorrow (Friday) the children won't have school, so we changed our Friday-Coffee for Thursday. Sometimes people say to me that a housewife (like me) does not need an iPad, and rightly so, I don't need it.. But today I brought it here so I could briefly write about our gatherings, while in here... My intention was to give a small review of what a Mexican Mom living abroad, thinks, worries and talks about; for those who might be interested, for a casual reader or just for my own remembrance, who knows if maybe 20 years from now this might sound interesting to anyone...  anyways.

Many times my husband asks me: what do you all talk about? what did they tell you? We don't really have big issues to discuss, we just chat! but if I was to tell you that we spend like 3+ hrs, weekly in this chats, then you might also be wondering... what in the world can you be talking about for so long! 
This is the answer to that question: about everything and anything!

For us, getting together  is like going to therapy! Just to have a reason to go out, specially on Friday, have something tasty to eat (@Panera has great selection of Breakfast Sandwiches, very good coffee, and now with our VIP Card even sometimes is FREE for us) and enjoy the company and great chat, even just have some grownup talk, everything is a great relief!

This time I remember we talked about "beans" (black beans, pinto beans.. ), which taste much better if they are freshly cut, but that they must be "cured" before cooked, I don't really know what that is... I'll have to do a little research on that.
Oh! I just remembered! We share some recipes... sure a topic of all times.. right?

Beef Stew:

Two rounds of beef shank or knuckle (halved, bone in)
half medium onion, garlic, cilantro, salt
Potatoes and Cabbage
Vegetables to taste.

Slow cooker: Boil the shank with plenty of water, half an onion and garlic, salt (did not say how much), carrots, and cilantro on low for 8 hrs. (All night).
In the morning take out the meat and put the other vegetables in or you can cook them separately.

Stove top: cook the meat with half an onion, cabbage and celery with plenty of water until the meat is very tender and shreds easily. Take the meat out, add salt to taste and add the extra vegetables.

Other recipes mentioned:
Fish with garlic - saute garlic and chile guajillo cut into thin strips with olive oil and then add the fish into the garlic.
Fish with Cheese and Cream - In a butter greased baking dish, arrange the fish fillets and put on top cream and cheese, salt and pepper. Cook in the oven.
Steak in tomato sauce - saute chopped potato and onion, add chopped steak, and after it releases the juices, add a tomato sauce {made with tomato, garlic, onion and bouillon in the blender with a little water}. Cook on medium heat for about 20 or 30 mins.

We talked about security (or lack thereof) in Mexico, with the news of San Miguel, San Luis Potosi and other states know as "Tierra Caliente" .. About weather the President is or not doing a good performance, and what can be done about it.
I do not remember any more .. and I just got bored .. this sounded more fun live!


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